Everyday Thin Places
Everyday Thin Places
Celebrating Imbolc - we are halfway to Spring!
Rachael and Elizabeth discuss their *latest* update before diving into the timely topic of Imbolc. We talk about aligning our energy with the wheel of the year, how people have marked transitions through generations (think bonfires, planning for harvests, and slowly setting intentions), and Elizabeth shares a personal story about her sheep farm experience (spoiler alert: baby lambs can't control their bladders).
And, of course, we get into some suggestions for listeners who want to mark Imbolc in their own lives!
Tune in now to hear all this and more, and be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode.
Hosts: Rachael Gallagher and Elizabeth Varaso
Suggest new guests/topics for the podcast at everydaythinplaces@gmail.com
Connect with Rachael and Elizabeth: