Everyday Thin Places
Everyday Thin Places
Art, Music, and Light with Dan Martin and Michael Biello
Rachael Gallagher and Elizabeth Varaso are joined by life partners and creative collaborators, Dan Martin and Michael Biello to discuss telling stories through art, music, and light.
Dan and Michael skillfully walk us through how they create thin places for audiences all over the world and how they're currently working with Rachael and making new songs about growing older.
They remind us that when a piece of art is right, it doesn't have to be forced.
You don't want to miss this episode, and you'll most definitely want to share it with anyone who appreciates creativity and art.
To be inspired by Dan and Michael's art, go to https://biellomartin.com/
To be generous on Dan and Michael's behalf, please find ways to contirubute to artists and their process, and to financially contribute to their friend and neighbor, Sofie, please visit https://www.teamsofie.org/
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Instagram: @everydaythinplaces
Email: everydaythinplaces@gmail.com